#1 - To Berlin and new beginnings...

To describe the last few months as tumultuous would be somewhat of a disgusting understatement. In the space of five weeks, I had a milestone birthday, went through a messy break up with a long-term girlfriend and decided to quit my job and solo-backpack Europe. None of those life events were unique or revolutionary, but only one was voluntary. I feel a sudden urge to take control of my life. With nothing tying me down and no responsibilities, it’s time to do something for me. The feeling of liberation is intense. Scary, but intense.


Starting in Germany, I'll be snaking my way around Europe for at least three months. From there, who knows. There is no real plan, just a laundry list of places I want to experience. Reykjavik, Krakow, the Black Forest, Amsterdam, Hopfgarten, the Scottish Highlands, Manchester, Edinburgh. The oddities I hope to discover off the beaten track - and the people I meet along the way - is what excites me most.

This will be a no-holds-barred of my journey. You're going to be bombarded by the magical experiences, but you'll also get a taste of the bad. We too often paint an idyllic portrait of our lives, particularly our travels. I am guilty of it. But those personal insecurities and foibles and anxieties and imperfections simply don't disappear when our passport is stamped and we step on a plane. I intend to document them all. My journey could go horribly wrong. Oh, it's going to be freezing. I'll invariably miss a flight or end up in a hospital room and there will be moments where I question what the hell I am doing. But it will be real and it will be raw and I want you along for the ride. Am I nervous? Uh huh. Excited? Yes! Let the fun begin.

Tim Schaefer